
ORACLE SQL ( Structure Query Language), নাম থেকেই বুঝা যাচ্ছে SQL মুলত ডাটাবেইজ এর Structure বা কাঠামো নিয়ে কাজ করে। কিছু নির্দিষ্ট নিয়ম মেনে এই কাঠামো গুলো তৈরি, Manipulation এবং সমস্যা সমাধান করা হয়। নিম্নোক্ত বিষয় গুলি শেখা ছাড়া এই কাজটি ভাল ভাবে করা সম্ভবপর হয় না, তবে মনে রাখবেন Advance Level এর যেকোন কোর্স করার পুর্বে Training প্রদনা কারী প্রতিষ্ঠানের Live প্রজেক্ট কয়টা আছে তা জেনে নিবেন।

যে সকল Chapter না থাকলে SQL কোর্স পরিপুর্ন হয় না তার একটি তালিকা নিচে দেয়া হলোঃ

  • What is SQL?
  • Work with DB Schema
    1. Create Database
    2. Grant Permission
  • SQL Table & View
    1. CREATE TABLE: Create a table
    2. CREATE TABLE AS: Create a table from another table’s definition and data
    3. ALTER TABLE: Add, modify or delete columns in a table; rename a table
    4. DROP TABLE: Delete a table
    5. GLOBAL TEMP Tables: Tables that are distinct within SQL session
    6. LOCAL TEMP Tables: Tables that are distinct within modules and embedded SQL program
    7. SQL VIEW: Virtual tables (views of other tables)
  • SQL Query Types
    1. SELECT Statement: Retrieve records from a table
    2. SELECT LIMIT Statement: Retrieve records from a table and limit results
    3. SELECT TOP Statement: Retrieve records from a table and limit results
    4. INSERT Statement: Insert records into a table
    5. UPDATE Statement: Update records in a table
    6. DELETE Statement: Delete records from a table
    7. TRUNCATE TABLE Statement: Delete all records from a table (no rollback)
    8. UNION Operator: Combine 2 result sets (removes duplicates)
    9. UNION ALL Operator: Combine 2 result sets (includes duplicates)
    10. INTERSECT Operator: Intersection of 2 result sets
    11. MINUS Operator: Result set of one minus the result set of another
    12. EXCEPT Operator: Result set of one minus the result set of another
  • SQL Clause
    1. DISTINCT Clause Retrieve unique records
    2. FROM Clause List tables and join information
    3. WHERE Clause Filter results
    4. ORDER BY Clause Sort query results
    5. GROUP BY Clause Group by one or more columns
    6. HAVING Clause Restrict the groups of returned rows
  • SQL Datatype
    1. Data Types Data Types in SQL
  • SQL Function
    1. COUNT Function Return the count of an expression
    2. SUM Function Return the sum of an expression
    3. MIN Function Return the min of an expression
    4. MAX Function Return the max of an expression
    5. AVG Function Return the average of an expression
  • SQL Operator
    1. Comparison Operators Operators such as =, <>, !=, >, <, and so on
  • SQL Conditions
    1. AND Condition 2 or more conditions to be met
    2. OR Condition Any one of the conditions are met
    3. AND & OR Combining AND and OR conditions
    4. LIKE Condition Use wildcards in a WHERE clause
    5. IN Condition Alternative to multiple OR conditions
    6. NOT Condition Negate a condition
    7. IS NULL Condition Test for NULL value
    8. IS NOT NULL Condition Test for NOT NULL value
    9. BETWEEN Condition Retrieve within a range (inclusive)
    10. EXISTS Condition Condition is met if the subquery returns at least one row
  • SQL Join
    1. JOIN Tables Inner and Outer joins
  • SQL Constraints
    1. UNIQUE
    2. NOT NULL
    3. Primary Key
    4. Foreign Key
  • SQL Index
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